Happy (Belated) Birthday, Jen!
Jen's birthday was Saturday, but as I was suffering from heat stroke this weekend, I didn't have a chance to post. Seriously, y'all, I think I'm allergic to the sun. A few weeks ago, I took my nieces to the beach, and managed to get severely sun-burned and queasy after about a half-hour in the sun. Then on Saturday Jay, Tom and I went to the Beer Fest, and after one three-ounce beer (St. Brigid's Oatmeal Stout from the Detroit Beer Company--yum!), and less than an hour in the sun, I managed to pass out and spend the rest of the afternoon drinking water by the gallon and making friends with the Ypsilanti Police, who were kind enough to let me sit in the front of their squad car and soak up the A/C. Yeah, heat exhaustion sucks. So does being the whitest white girl in Detroit.
Anyway, I was planning on a magnificent Happy Birthday, Jen! post, but didn't have the chance. I'll make sure to write that (and a QAF recap) very soon. In the meantime, if anyone has any aloe they can send my way, my usually alabaster skin would appreciate it.
annamaria at 7:21 AM
- at Monday, July 25, 2005 9:06:00 PM said...
That picture does have a wang. She is right!