
I haven't talked about pharmacists in a while

I love Target. I really do, it’s convenient and cheap, and they sell all those cool cleaning products in the fun bottles. But it looks like Target is the latest company to make my shit list:

A 26-year-old Missouri woman was refused EC when she handed her prescription to a pharmacist at a Target store in Fenton, MO, on September 30. The woman was told by the pharmacist, "I won’t fill it. It’s my right not to fill it."

That’s it. I’m done. With the automotive industry reporting record third-quarter losses, maybe I should take this as a sign to switch careers. So, I’ve been thinking—I should quit my job (or wait for the layoff which looms closer everyday), and go back to school. I’ll become a pharmacist. Then I’ll convert to The Church of Christ, Scientist. Then I can get a job at Target or Rite Aid or any number of pharmacies that refuse to fill prescriptions for tenuous reasons, and refuse to do my job because my religion prevents me from encouraging the use of medication, when prayer and acceptance of Jesus Christ is the only remedy for what ails you. Then I’ll go to Washington, D.C. and find out what pharmacy Dick Cheney uses to get his heart pills, and kindly inform the Veep that I can’t fill his prescription because to do so would encourage the spread of evil and sin.

Oh, and a note for that pharmacist--Missouri state legislators have recently introduced a bill which would guarantee access to birth control. Enjoy your job while you can.

annamaria at 11:50 AM

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