
Sign up for my magazine.

Seriously. I'm the managing editor. If you go here, you get a free subscription for a year. It won't suck. I promise.

And the mag doesn't feature boobs -- unless you want boobs.

If you want boobs, I'll hook you up.

Anonymous at 11:13 PM

2 spoke


at Wednesday, February 15, 2006 11:17:00 AM Blogger annamaria said...

I signed up. It had better not suck.

Hey, did you get a new job AGAIN??

at Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:11:00 PM Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

Jen likes free stuff? She wants to go to the spa. Jen, you're in the wrong state. You need to move to Corrupticut and get elected to the legislature or if you really want a LOT of free stuff, especially your very own spa, then you need to be the governor. Our ex just got out of the federal pen in PA for, among other things all wrapped up in one "tax" charge, accepting a hot tub for his cottage from a state contractor. and if you don't want the hassle of running for office don't worry, we've still got a spot for you -- you can go to work with the DOT folks who just got busted for taking kickbacks that were a little too large. The possibilities are endless in Corrupticut. (Think the office of economic development will use this rant to lure businesses to relocate?)


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