
Tagging Air Force One

This is probably one of the scarier things I've seen this year. While there is a part of me that takes a macabre satisfaction in having Air Force One tagged (particularly with "Still Free"), I'm still a little uneasy with the idea that someone could actually get close enough to the damn plane to do it! Christ, I know Bush doesn't give a shit about keeping me safe from terrorists, but you'd think he'd maybe, I don't know, heighten security around his own damn plane!

Ted Leo is yet again my hero for sharing the video...

And while I'm sharing videos, check out this one--the Westboro Baptist Church has decided that despite a longstanding prohibition against openly gay Americans serving in the military, dead soldiers are somehow "fag enablers" because they, um, fight for the freedom to be a closeted marine? I think? C'mon, it's Phelpsian logic, I can hardly be expected to keep up. At any rate, it's vile and disgusting, so be forewarned. (Courtesy of the newest member of our blogroll, Empires Fall).

annamaria at 8:50 AM

4 spoke


at Sunday, April 23, 2006 6:42:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...


rest easy tonight, dumpling. although i wish it had been geniune.


at Monday, April 24, 2006 3:02:00 PM Blogger annamaria said...

But, but...Ted Leo said it was true! Ted Leo doesn't lie!

Damn you Ted Leo!

at Monday, April 24, 2006 4:39:00 PM Blogger Wake of the Flood said...

Gee, that was fun. But alas, another fake. Now another generation gets to learn the meaning of the Who lyrics "I won't get fooled again." turns out the guvment aint the only ones with an agenda, and no integrity in pushing it! the goal is to manage to take things with a grain of salt and not turn into a cynical old fart who distrusts everything -- a hermeneutic of suspicion....

at Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:18:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe in anything anymore! I'm going to law school.


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