Sometimes work doesn't suck
Look what I got! Yesterday, one of our Major American Automotive Industry executives asked for my assistance in locating a truck that he could purchase immediately to keep at his summer home up north (yeah, you can all roll your eyes now). Anyway, vehicle procurement is not usually my deal, but I’m a smart girl who knows how to run a logistics report, so I did a little search, found a little truck, and Voila! VP gets his every little wish fulfilled. This morning, I’m hanging around the reception area, drinking my coffee, and a flower delivery truck pulls up with some pretty roses all for me! With a lovely little note from said Major American Automotive Industry executive thanking me for all my assistance.
Meanwhile, everyone in my office stepped up to take a gander at the flowers, and then claim one for themselves since they stapled some paperwork or something and obviously deserve as much praise as me. It’s entirely possible that I will go home tonight with a really nice but empty vase.
annamaria at 12:50 PM
- at Friday, June 09, 2006 2:36:00 PM Kurt said...
that was so nice of him to do. who do you think he delegated the task of actually ordering the flowers to? ;-D
have a great weekend.- at Friday, June 09, 2006 2:40:00 PM annamaria said...
Yeah, I already called his secratary to thank her for the beautiful flowers!
Of course, I should have known they would come at a steep price. I've already had three other executives (including one from Wisconsin) call to see if I could find vehicles for them, too. I should start charging commission.- at Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:19:00 AM Kurt said...
or you could "mistakenly" get the vehicles in the "wrong" color...i think maybe a Mary Kay vehicle to a macho man would end the responsibilty...
- at Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:20:00 AM annamaria said...
Yeah, but it would probably also end my career! :)
- at Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:32:00 AM Dane meets Simone said...
I used to get flowers on secretary's day. I considered it the single most depressing day of the year.
Just, y'know, to share.- at Friday, June 23, 2006 3:04:00 PM Unknown said...
This is off topic, but I had a question/favor. I know, I know! Who am I to be asking favors of you. Just thought I'd try. Anyhow, do you happen to have any Afgan Whigs and/or any Dulli bootlegs you'd be willing to share or swap for something else? Although, I'm positive you tear me up when it comes to owning bootlegs and such.
- at Friday, June 23, 2006 3:21:00 PM annamaria said...
Jenn--check your email. I just responded to your comment. :)
- at Friday, June 23, 2006 3:31:00 PM Unknown said...
Sweet. You're quick! Thanks.
- at Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:30:00 AM Dane meets Simone said...
No doubt you're covered in work but fyi: I miss you!