
Friday Random I HATE MY COWORKERS Rant

I am a lonely zombie. No one loves me.

So, while my coworkers may not jump into the area of calling in because of bird flue, they still suck nonetheless.

Case in point. Today, I am the only zombie working at SmithBucklin. Not that it was supposed to be like that. My whole "team" (which I use loosely for these cats) had agreed on my theme of zombies at SmithBucklin, chained to the desk, crazy makeup, etc. (FYI - The makeup washes off, fuckers.)

So, being team leader, I go out and buy all these great supplies. When it comes to put things together, no one helps, except for my friend Leigh, who doesn't even sit in this section anymore.

When it's time to put on makeup? "Oh, no makeup for me, thanks." Why did you fuckers tell me to buy makeup? And chains for our desks? If you weren't going to fucking participate.

Meanwhile, on the good side of the office, everyone is running around, getting all their work done in preparation for the judging.

Maybe I'll give them the big fuck-you and just go smoke. Take that, non-zombie fuckers.

EDIT: Here's my zombie garb. And please note the chains, preventing me from eating the living.


Anonymous at 11:14 AM

1 spoke


at Monday, October 31, 2005 8:56:00 AM Blogger Dane meets Simone said...

LOLOLOL. I soooo would have been one of the "no makeup for me, thanks" kind of co-workers. If I'd shown up that day. ;)


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